Innovation is fundamental for boosting corporate efficiency in both the public and private sectors. Efficient technological transfer and the role of public-private sector collaboration also play a major role in the modern growth of knowledge-based economies. As a public service organization, municipalities normally coordinate with all partners to draw up strategies and use them in communities. A new vision is needed for the Gaza Strip municipalities, where all public and private stakeholders work together to co-design and co-develop new cutting-edge products and services aimed at generating shared value through entrepreneurial behaviour. However, concrete examples of smart city projects revealed that municipalities in Gaza often do not have the necessary capabilities as well as innovative approaches to collaborate with start-ups and other stakeholders’ ecosystems. This research paper attempts to analyze (open) innovation in the municipal sector and to shed light on the barriers and challenges that municipalities in Gaza Strip face in smart city development was conducted and is to be published in the upcoming months.
The researcher, Ashraf AlAstal conducted focus groups, semi-structured interviews, and webinars with various stakeholders in Gaza to demonstrate how municipalities can work to address challenges in the smart city context and to promote an ecosystem of entrepreneurship and innovation. The research stressed that Gaza Strip municipalities need to offer the necessary conditions for entrepreneurial talents who can bring their creative mindset, and technological experiences to the table, making it possible to build the best teams to solve any challenge. Open Innovation Platforms were also concluded to be an important tool for enabling start-ups and researchers in developing emerging technologies here in Gaza.
Emerging technological innovation in Gaza Strip municipalities: an entrepreneurial approach
Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Publication Date
The article is available online here.